About Me - The Long Version

Right, a bit about myself then! Name’s Keith White and I’m an avid science and tech fanatic from the rainy heart of England. Always been a bit of an inquisitive bloke asking too many questions for my own good. Drove my parents nutty! Though in my defense, how could an 8-year-old not wonder why eating sweets made his tongue turn different colors? That curiosity never stopped.


Like many English kids, I was raised on a steady diet of Doctor Who and Star Trek. But I became properly obsessed after reading a Big Brother’s old Iron Man comic.

All I wanted was to build my own arc reactor! I buried my head in any book about physics, energy, and tinkering. Didn’t go so well at first though….especially when I nearly blew up the garden shed! Mum and Dad made me take a break from “experiments” after that.


But the science bug had already bitten me. I studied environmental sciences at university to build a foundation. Then I just followed each new interest down the rabbit hole – biotech, neuroscience, particle accelerators, you name it! Now I share the wildest discoveries with people like yourself online. Still asking too many questions though 🙂 What mysteries of science and tech intrigue you?

Sparking B-bet Fire

So how did I go from an overeager kid in a lab coat to running this little blog? Well, several mates kept telling me I had a knack for breaking down complex science concepts in a way “normal people” can understand.

My approach with B-bet Fire is to keep things grounded. No fancy jargon or elitist gatekeeping. Just good chats and explorations of wild inventions, discoveries that could reshape life, and peeks at the technology possibilities ahead.